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After years of waiting for Publix to open in North Carolina, I have sad news. The first North Carolina Publix opened yesterday in the Charlotte area, and we all learned that Publix will not have double coupons in NC stores. They plan to offer savings promotions exclusive to the North Carolina stores instead.
I’ll will update you on those “new” offers when they become available, but the rest of their coupon policy should be the same.
If you shop in a region that does currently double, don’t worry, your store will continue to double coupons 50¢ or less. The only exception is (2) stores in South Carolina (#1412 and #1419) that will start to follow the NC policy.
Ways to Save at Publix
Since most North Carolina folks don’t know Publix, here are few of the good things you can expect.
- They accept competitor coupons for local grocery stores in the area. (Bi-Lo does this too and accepts more stores than Publix).
- They will accept an expired coupon with a raincheck, as long as the coupon was good the day the raincheck was written.
- Each week has 35-40 BOGO deals that are mostly national brands.
- They issue tons of store coupons in extra flyers, booklets and emails. These can be used with manufacturer coupons to save more. (You could grab all of these and take them to Bi-Lo who will double your coupons and accept them as competitor coupons).
You can go here to read the full coupon policy or go here to read FAQ’s.
My Thoughts:
Covering the grocery industry across the south I almost feel like Publix corporate didn’t do very good homework. If their reasoning on not offering doubles is that it’s not needed to be competitive then they are sadly very mistaken. Keeping up with stores that double coupons 99¢ or less every day and run occasional super double and triple coupon offers will be next to impossible when they aren’t wanting to double anything.
From a sale standpoint, Publix already doesn’t double coupons in the Florida market but we don’t see additional sales or promotions for that market. I’m very doubtful that we will see any additional promotions for NC either. Odds are that is fun marketing language for “we just don’t want to”.
What are you thoughts on this policy?